Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Generation and Generations to Come

I grew up during the 90's when the economy was still in good shape,gas was only like $1.78 a gallon.Children were entertained by Barnie instead of South Park, and cartoons didn't consist of violence or sex.Unfortunately times have changed drastically.I remember when I was younger I loved playing outside but in current times you hardly see any children outside. I am in hopes that I can be one of the people that helps change the way things are.So many young teens especially males believe the only way of excelling to the top is STREET BUSINESS.Babies seem to be having babies when they barely can take care of themselves.I feel like a lot of people lack proper guidance which forces them towards the wrong decisions.If you live in Detroit like me,than you know violence is a major problem especially amongst young teens.For some reason people have gotten the idea that it is okay to kill each other,gun violence has become out of control.People as young as 8 and 9 are getting their hands on guns and if that's not bad enough people as young as 12 are joining gangs. These acts are cries for help.Everyone just wants someone to love and to be loved.I pray for these children and their souls to be blessed.I can't stress how much it hurts to see how half of my graduation turned out,pregnant,dead,or in jail.Nearly half of the people I started out in kindergarten with didn't make it to their senior year.I appreciate the fact that my parents raised my siblings and I with a iron fist and constantly let us know that we have options.I want to reach out and let every young child and every young adult that life has endless possibilities and you can do anything you put your mind to.The beauty of life is living and learning and I think if people looked at other peoples mistakes than they wouldn't get into half of the mess they get into to.I also believe it's unfair the way children have to grow up I was lucky enough to grow up with both a mother and a father,I'm not saying that children won't turn out successful in a one parent home;but their are certain things a father teaches a child and certain things a mother teaches a child.I'm a baby myself on the verge of being grown but yet through my eyes I still see that the world needs change.Almost every person looked to President Obama to change things but he is one man, and he was only the beginning.We have to look to each other for help,as people we need to work together to better situations.For the sake of my generation and the next, we all need to take part in this movement for change.

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