Saturday, July 25, 2009


Relationships are all about gives and takes. You compromise certain things in order to make your other half happy but when does this compromise become to much? There will always be things you don't like about a person because lets face it nobody is perfect but at the same time shouldn't we accept one anothers flaws. You cant build a relationship off of lies and while in relationships we cant pretend to be people were not. When is enough, enough and where do we draw the line? If you give up so much of your self but in return get nothing then the relationship is not equally balanced. As children we thought the world re voled around us but as we got older we learned we could not always get everything we wanted and that the attention would not always be focused on us. In various aspects relationships are the same way. You wont always get what you want and you will not always get your way. As I previously stated relationship are a give and take but don't give so much that you become empty and don't let a person take a way so much that you lose your sense of self.

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