Thursday, September 24, 2009


I thought I was investing something rare when I put effort and time into YOU
Submerged in my own ignorance I thought I could actually change YOU
Not being realistic I thought I could take you out the streets and make YOU something YOU never were meant to be
I thought we could grow togather But by trying to grow with YOU I was only stopping YOU from being YOU
Being selfish I tried to lock YOU down when YOU really just wanted to be free
I stood for everything YOU wanted to do and be,but now I see all's YOU want to do is run the streets
In your life money seems to be the only thing that matters to YOU
I was in over my head when I first met YOU
I thought damn,now thats a real manI was on your team,I cheered and rooted for YOU
I thought I was your bonnie and YOU were my clyde in the beginning we both were down for the ride
Life is a mutha fucka that's why they say death has to be easy I always would resite that to YOU after I heard 50 cent say it but until we departed I never knew how true that line could be
I'm not mad that what we had could never be,because after all YOU were just doing YOU
We went through the ABC's of learning about each other but in the end I realize now that I know absolutely nothing about YOU
I tried to keep you from being on the block but the streets runs deep in your veins and I think that money is over powering YOU
Life is a paper chase but YOU can't replace people with material things
There will always be a space for YOU in my heart but deep down inside I know that me and YOU can never be
We are like a roller coaster first were up then were down but YOU always push me away so I stopped trying to get closer
Your a soilder but YOU lost the war at fighting for my heart
We can always be friends just YOU and me but us is something me and YOU can never be
I've taken the us and we out the only thing that remains is just YOU and me
I pray for YOU more than I pray for myself which is how I know I truely care but in my heart I know that one day you'll figure out this thing called life out
YOU think YOU have your priorities figuerd out but honestly YOU still have some things YOU need to figure out
But I'm afriad when that day comes I will no longer be there
There was only so much I could take and right now I'm fed up
Life is much easier when YOU have someone there to help you put things in order But I guess YOU want to put things here and there until you've pushed them so far back their no longer there
People can say what they like But deep down in your heart I know that YOU know what YOU want
I think your just afraid It's ok to be YOU
It's ok to show the world who YOU really areI want YOU to be YOU because no matter what YOU decide I will always think highly of YOU
ButFor now I'll leave YOU to do YOU
And on your journey I hope YOU find out who YOU really are And until that day I'll always be near supporting YOU and showing YOU that the world isn't always so cold when you have a friend on the side lines cheering for YOU